Russia: World Cup Protesters Create ‘Hidden’ Rainbow Flag In Support Of LGBTQ Rights

Aprovechando que Rusia está llena de visitantes de distintas nacionalidades con motivo del Mundial, 6 activistas LGTBI de 6 países distintos han recorrido las calles de Moscú formando la bandera arcoíris con los colores de las camisetas de sus selecciones. Una protesta oculta a plena vista de las autoridades.

A group of global activists has devised a colorful, yet stealthy, way to support LGBTQ rights during the 2018 World Cup in Russia. 

Six members of the Spanish advocacy group, FELGTB (which loosely translates to the National Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transgender People and Bisexuals) worked together to create the Hidden Flag protest in Moscow.

Each activist wore a colorful soccer jersey from a different country, representing Spain, the Netherlands, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Colombia.

When members of the group stand side by side, they resemble the rainbow flag, which has come to represent the LGBTQ community worldwide. The activists ― who have been identified as Marta Márquez, Eric Houter, Eloi Pierozan Junior, Guillermo León, Vanesa Paola Ferrario, and Mateo Fernández Gómez ― have had their photo snapped at iconic sites around Moscow, and even posed next to a police officer.

The protest is particularly noteworthy given Russia’s “gay propaganda” laws. That controversial legislation, enacted in 2013, made it illegal to distribute material that would “promote” homosexuality to minors and has been used to stop LGBTQ Pride parades and detain local activists.  Read more via HUffpost


When Gilbert Baker designed the rainbow flag in 1978, he did so to create a symbol and an icon for the LGTB community. A symbol, recognisable across the world, that people could use to express their pride. Unfortunately, 40 years later, there are still countries in which homosexuality is persecuted, sometimes even by jail sentences, and in which the rainbow flag is forbidden.

Read more from the participants via their website