UK: Gay ex-Army officer wins Supreme Court fight for husband's pensions rights — Equal Eyes

UK: Gay ex-Army officer wins Supreme Court fight for husband's pensions rights

A former cavalry officer has won a Supreme Court fight to secure his husband the same pension rights a wife would have in a heterosexual relationship.

John Walker, 65, saw an earlier ruling against him overturned on Wednesday.

Mr Walker suffered a defeat at the Court of Appeal in 2015, when judges ruled that his claim failed because it applied to a period before gay civil partnerships were recognised by the law.

But on Wednesday, the Supreme Court justices ruled that Mr Walker’s husband is entitled on his death to a spouse’s pension, provided they stay married.

Mr Walker launched legal action because he wanted to ensure that, should he die first, his husband, who is in his fifties, will be adequately provided for.

Human rights organisation Liberty said before the ruling that a successful outcome could “dramatically change the lives of thousands of same-sex couples”. Read more via the Independent