Fear and Loathing

Trans Legal Mapping Report

The ILGA World Trans Steering Committee is pleased to announce the launch of the 2019 Trans Legal Mapping Report, now in its third edition, which is one of the key outputs of ILGA World’s Gender Identity and Gender Expression Programme.

From leprosy to COVID-19, how stigma makes it harder to fight epidemics

The word “stigma” originally referred to a mark on the body. Later it came to denote a metaphorical mark of disgrace. Sociologists define stigma as the social devaluing of people who possess a trait seen as negative or deviant, such as a physical or mental disability or even an ethnicity. Almost every sense of the term comes together in leprosy.

Iran: 42% of Iranian LGBTI are victims of sexual violence and rape

62% of Iranian LGBTI experience one or more forms of violence perpetuated by their immediate family; nearly 30% of them experience sexual violence and more than 77% of them physical violence; close to 38% of them are under pressure for forced marriage.

Belize: Cabinet Will Not Table Equal Opportunities Bill

"The decision was taken to not proceed with the bill at this time, and to withdraw it. While this is Cabinet's position, it views with deep regret the circumstances surrounding the bill being brought before the Cabinet for its approval which is a mere part of the legislative process.”

Queer Russians Are Blocked From Seeking Refuge

'Now we all have a chance, in a way, to experience what a life of an asylum seeker is like,' says Veronika Lapina of the LGBT Network. 'A constant suspension and transition state where your future is a hostage to the situation. When you have no idea what to expect next.'