HIV Health and Wellness

Protect Intersex Persons' Rights, 34 States Tell UN

In a historic first, 34 States from all regions of the world called on the UN Human Rights Council to urgently protect intersex persons in their bodily autonomy and right to health, 8 NGOs said today.

UK transgender patients turn to crowdfunding due to huge delays

An estimated 200,000 to 500,000 transgender people live in the UK, according to 2018 government data, and about 13,500 trans patients are on NHS waiting lists. But the coronavirus outbreak has lengthened the wait, as the NHS stopped some services deemed "non-essential" to tackle the pandemic.

From leprosy to COVID-19, how stigma makes it harder to fight epidemics

The word “stigma” originally referred to a mark on the body. Later it came to denote a metaphorical mark of disgrace. Sociologists define stigma as the social devaluing of people who possess a trait seen as negative or deviant, such as a physical or mental disability or even an ethnicity. Almost every sense of the term comes together in leprosy.

Two different cases of PrEP failure despite high adherence underline that such events are rare, but should not be ignored

Two reports of HIV infection occurring despite apparent adequate adherence to PrEP, confirmed by drug level testing, are the first reliably documented cases to be published in peer-reviewed journals since 2018.

Book launch "Palgrave Handbook of Critical Menstruation Studies"

It has been said so often it is now cliché—“menstruation is having its moment!” But what is this moment actually about? What are we talking about when we talk about menstruation?

US: Gonorrhea, syphilis cases rise as stay-at-home orders recede

Public health experts discussed how nationwide trends of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis testing and diagnosis have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic at a virtual roundtable as part of the 2020 STD Prevention Conference September 14.

Ecuador: Organizations announce collection of signatures to veto the Health Code

The National Front for the Family together with other civil society organizations and religious groups announced yesterday in Guayaquil the beginning of the collection of signatures and mobilizations to request the total presidential veto of the Organic Health Code (COS), a norm that was approved by the National Assembly, last Tuesday, August 25.